Custom Handmade Arcade Machines
Conceived, designed, overthought and lazily created with the passion and love that only a group of mid-life crisis’ friends can generate.
Not so sustainably manufactured in Italy.
May contain trace of spaghetti.
Three main units, which have almost reached their final form.
The Lab
In a dungeon in a town in the north of Italy, one hour away from France but we eat spaghetti, there is a workshop (lab) where (mostly) four friends meet and build things, more like think them up, over think them down and fail boldly creating them.
But every now and then some pearl emerges, the site is to show both…
We also occasionally take orders from friends, or friends of friends.
“… An elegant Arcade for a more civilized age.”
He may have not said it exactly like that…
Screenshot from Super Star Wars, 1992 Super Nintendo,
developed by Sculptured Software & LucasArts.
Published by JVC and Nintendo.
Tales from the lab
We usually work on about
forty six & 2 projects
at the same time; but here we try to post only the game-centric ones…